Media Coverage

Our world-renowned research and experts are frequently featured in media globally.

See below the latest news about Ceres2030 published by media worldwide.


FORBES | March 9, 2021

Community Will Create Action In Global Food Systems Dialogue Says World Food Prize Laureate

World Food Prize Laureate, Dr. Lawrence Haddad says he’s tired of all talk and no action when it comes to food systems.


World Food Prize Laureates Open Letter: U.S. Leadership Needed to Help End World Hunger

On February 23, 2021 the World Food Prize Foundation released a powerful statement penned by 24 of its Laureates urging the Biden-Harris Administration to focus on alleviating hunger, poverty and malnutrition around the globe.

GENEVA SOLUTIONS | January 21, 2021

Can we end hunger without heating the planet?

With food demand expected to double by 2050 and Covid-19 accelerating food crises all over, the world is facing a dilemma. How to feed everyone without ramping up global warming?

CIMMYT | November 4, 2020

What can the last 30 years of research tell us?

An expansive new review seeks out the key drivers of climate-resilient crop adoption to mobilize decades of scientific and development research towards the eradication of hunger by 2030.

DEVELOPMENT AID | October 23, 2020

US$330bn – that’s how much the world needs to end hunger by 2030

The conclusions were reached based on data from 23 different countries. The researchers estimated that donors would have to contribute an additional US$14bn of funding annually over the next 10 years to provide underdeveloped countries with food which is twice as much as they currently allocate.


Ceres2030: Ending World Hunger

Ending world hunger by 2030 may seem like an insurmountable task, but two University Libraries faculty members are helping to advance this critical mission.

NEW STRAITS TIMES | October 19, 2020

NST Leader: Global hunger

WE are a very hungry world. This is the finding of the Global Hunger Index 2020 (GHI), an annual report published this month by Welthungerhilfe, a German private aid organisation and Concern Worldwide, an international humanitarian organisation.

FORBES | October 19, 2020

Dejar de comer carne perjudicaría salud de millones de personas

Las personas que dependen de la ganadería también están en riesgo ante las medidas que se han tomado para la reducción del consumo de carne.

LAPIN KANSA | October 19, 2020

Ko­ro­na­vi­rus­pan­de­mia uhkaa lisätä näl­käis­ten määrää – sitkeä nälkä jäi vai­vaa­maan maail­maa

Ruoan saatavuus parani monta vuosikymmentä, mutta vuonna 2016 kehitys tyssäsi. Miten sitkeä nälkäongelma tulisi ratkaista?

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 18, 2020

Menos produtos animais: bom para o clima, fome para milhões?

Uma dieta mais vegetal e menos animal: eis uma fórmula simples para alimentar de modo sustentável a crescente população do planeta. Mas para milhões que dependem do gado para sobreviver, a questão é mais complicada.

TERRA | October 18, 2020

Menos produtos animais: bom para o clima, fome para milhões?

Uma dieta mais vegetal e menos animal: eis uma fórmula simples para alimentar de modo sustentável a crescente população do planeta. Mas para milhões que dependem do gado para sobreviver, a questão é mais complicada.

WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM | October 15, 2020

Ending global hunger need not cost the earth – if we invest now

This year should have been a milestone for global climate action, setting out the road towards fulfilling the Paris Agreement, including more sustainable food production.

HANDELSBLATT | October 15, 2020

Entwicklungsminister Müller: “In zehn Jahren können wir den Hunger besiegen”

Corona und Hunger sind zwei globale Krisen, die sich gegenseitig verstärken. Doch während Corona die globale Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht, erfährt der Hunger kaum Beachtung.

EL ESPECTADOR | October 14, 2020

Pequeños agricultores, una clave para erradicar el hambre en el mundo

Ceres2030, un trabajo internacional de tres años, revisó más de 100.000 artículos sobre estrategias contra el hambre. Uno de sus principales hallazgos fue que dos tercios de las personas que padecen hambre viven en zonas rurales.

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 14, 2020

Ziel: Eine Welt ohne Hunger

Der Hunger in der Welt verschärft sich wieder, und zwar vor allem durch Corona. Nachdem die Zahl der Hungernden jahrelang zurückgegangen ist, steigt sie inzwischen wieder, nicht nur, aber in erster Linie durch die Pandemie.

CORNELL CHRONICLE | October 14, 2020

Cornell unites science and policy to end hunger

Like all the farmers in her village in central Ethiopia, Hadjo Mergo works the land to feed and sustain her family.

PDM | October 14, 2020

Análisis de Inteligencia Artificial de 500.000 Estudios Muestra Cómo Podemos Acabar Con el Hambre en el Mundo

Poner fin al hambre es una de las principales prioridades de las Naciones Unidas en esta década. Sin embargo, el mundo parece estar retrocediendo, con un aumento de 60 millones de personas que padecen hambre en los últimos cinco años hasta un estimado de 690 millones en todo el mundo.

THE GUARDIAN | October 13, 2020

Ending world hunger by 2030 would cost $330bn, study finds

Research suggests that by targeting enhanced aid money more effectively and with greater innovation, a solution is possible

LE MONDE | October 13, 2020

Pour éradiquer la faim d’ici à 2030, les donateurs devront doubler leurs dépenses

Dans un corpus de publications, une coalition de chercheurs appelle la communauté internationale à redoubler d’efforts pour tenir ses engagements de lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire.

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 13, 2020

“Eine Welt ohne Hunger ist möglich”

Neue Studien zeigten, mit jährlich 14 Milliarden Dollar (knapp 12 Milliarden Euro) zusätzlich bis 2030 könnten die Industrieländer ihren Anteil an den hierzu notwendigen Investitionen finanzieren, sagte Bundesentwicklungsminister Gerd Müller der Deutschen Welle.

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 13, 2020

Lack of ‘political will’ to curb global hunger, German development minister says

The political will to provide the annual sum of €14 billion ($16.5 billion) to curb global hunger is lacking worldwide, according to German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller.

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 13, 2020

Lack of ‘political will’ to curb global hunger, German development minister says

The political will to provide the annual sum of €14 billion ($16.5 billion) to curb global hunger is lacking worldwide, according to German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development Gerd Müller.

BERLINER ZEITUNG | October 13, 2020

Was kostet eine Welt ohne Hunger?

Der Kampf gegen den Hunger hat einen Preis: 14 Milliarden Doller zusätzlich pro Jahr. So viel Geld ist nötig, um den Hunger in der Welt bis 2030 weitgehend zu beenden.

TAZ | October 13, 2020

Corona führt zu mehr Hunger

Die Welthungerhilfe (WHH) warnt vor einer drastischen Zunahme von Hunger und Armut durch die Coronapandemie.

CORNELL CALS | October 13, 2020

Ceres2030 project aims to help smallholder farmers cope with climate change

In academic publishing, one measurement of a work’s importance is how many other academics have cited it. This long-standing system has the benefit of simplicity and helping to form a common knowledge base.

RELIEFWEB | October 13, 2020

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program donors announce US$300 million to end hunger and malnutrition

Today during the launch of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Replenishment Period 2020-25, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), donors increased their contributions to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) – a world with zero hunger.

LE JOURNAL | October 13, 2020

Les donateurs doivent multiplier leurs investissements par deux pour pouvoir éradiquer la faim

Si les donateurs doublaient leurs investissements et dépensaient ces fonds judicieusement, ils contribueraient à éliminer la faim d’ici à 2030, a indiqué une coalition de groupes de recherche dans le cadre d’un appel à l’action lancé à l’approche de la Journée mondiale de l’alimentation.

IFPRI | October 13, 2020

Ceres2030 research: Ending hunger sustainably by 2030 requires doubling assistance

New research concludes that donor country governments must roughly double current amounts of food security and nutrition assistance in order to end hunger by 2030, boost the incomes of smallholder farmers around the world, and cut carbon emissions from agriculture to limit the effects of climate change.

SDG2 ADVOCACY HUB | October 13, 2020

Donors must double investment to end hunger

Today during the launch of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) Replenishment Period 2020-25, hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), donors increased their contributions to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2) – a world with zero hunger.

BRASIL AMAZONIA AGORA | October 13, 2020

Acabando com a fome: a ciência deve parar de negligenciar os pequenos agricultores

Como a pesquisa pode ajudar a acabar com a fome? Uma forma de responder a essa pergunta é avaliar as pesquisas publicadas sobre a fome e determinar quais intervenções podem fazer a diferença na vida das 690 milhões de pessoas que passam fome todos os dias.

RISKASSUR | October 13, 2020

Un effort est demandé aux donateurs pour éradiquer la faim dans le monde d’ici à 2030

Dans un corpus de publications, une coalition de chercheurs appelle la communauté internationale à redoubler d’efforts pour tenir ses engagements de lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire.

REUTERS | October 12, 2020

Quick fix for hunger and climate goals? More spending on small farmers

Research suggests that by targeting enhanced aid money more effectively and with greater innovation, a solution is possible.


Gerd Müller und Marlehn Thieme: “Unser Wohlstand, deren Armut”

Der Entwicklungsminister und die Präsidentin der Welthungerhilfe sprechen im Doppelinterview über Rückschläge im Kampf gegen extreme Not, das Lieferkettengesetz und einen überraschenden Friedensnobelpreis.


Kampf gegen Hunger: Müller fordert neue Milliardenhilfen

Bundesentwicklungsminister Gerd Müller hat neue Milliardenhilfen und radikale Agrarreformen gefordert, um die Unterernährung von 690 Millionen Menschen weltweit zu stoppen.

DEUTSCHE WELLE | October 12, 2020

‘Eat less meat to help the climate’ doesn’t apply to everyone – here’s why

Environmental researchers have long touted the benefits of eating less meat and animal products, not only to improve our health but also the health of the planet.

BMZ | October 12, 2020

Minister Müller zu Welternährung: “Eine Welt ohne Hunger ist möglich – wir brauchen eine grüne Agrarrevolution”

Zum Start der Welternährungswoche stellt Bundesentwicklungsminister Gerd Müller die Studien zweier weltweit renommierter Forschungsinstitute zur Überwindung der globalen Hungerkrise vor.

FAO | October 12, 2020

Donors must double investments to stamp out hunger

If donors double their investments and spend the money wisely, they could help end hunger by 2030, a coalition of research groups said in a call-to-action ahead of World Food Day.

FAO | October 12, 2020

Donors must double investments to stamp out hunger

If donors double their investments and spend the money wisely, they could help end hunger by 2030, a coalition of research groups said in a call-to-action ahead of World Food Day.

NATURE | October 12, 2020

Ending hunger: science must stop neglecting smallholder farmers

Policymakers urgently need ideas on ways to end hunger. But a global review of the literature finds that most researchers have had the wrong priorities.

NATURE ASIA | October 12, 2020

Agriculture: Assessing the evidence for solutions to end hunger sustainably

飢餓を終わらせるための持続可能な解決策を見いだすための取り組みに役立つ効果的な農業介入を明らかにした8編の論文が、今週、Nature Food、Nature Plants、Nature Sustainability に掲載される。

NATURE | October 12, 2020

Pandemic of hunger

COVID-19 is straining African food security, but also presents an opportunity for change.

CORNELL CHRONICLE | October 12, 2020

Ceres2030 offers path to ending world hunger within decade

The world’s small-scale farmers now can see a path to solving global hunger over the next decade, with solutions – such as adopting climate-resilient crops through improving extension services – all culled rapidly via artificial intelligence from more than 500,000 scientific research articles.

IISD | October 12, 2020

For an Extra USD 14 Billion per Year, We Can End Hunger, Double Incomes for Poorest Farmers, and Meet Climate Goals

Governments are spending unprecedented sums of public money in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in hopes of building a better world for our children and protecting the most vulnerable.


Quick fix for hunger and climate goals? More spending on small farmers

Global goals to tackle climate change and end hunger by 2030 are within reach if donors and developing nations help small farmers grow more climate resilient crops, access irrigation and tap into social safety nets, researchers said Monday.

NEWSWISE | October 12, 2020

Ceres2030 research offers path to end world hunger within decade

The world’s small-scale farmers now can see a path to solving global hunger over the next decade, with solutions – such as adopting climate-resilient crops through improving extension services – all culled rapidly via artificial intelligence from more than 500,000 scientific research articles.

MIRAGE | October 12, 2020

Ceres2030 offers path to ending world hunger within decade

The world’s small-scale farmers now can see a path to solving global hunger over the next decade, with solutions – such as adopting climate-resilient crops through improving extension services – all culled rapidly via artificial intelligence from more than 500,000 scientific research articles.

MIRAGE | October 12, 2020

Donors must double investments to stamp out hunger

 If donors double their investments and spend the money wisely, they could help end hunger by 2030, a coalition of research groups said in a call-to-action ahead of World Food Day.

NEURONS AI | October 12, 2020

Ceres2030 offers path to ending world hunger within decade

Ceres2030 employed machine learning, librarian savvy and research … 23,000 papers were identified by human expertise and artificial intelligence.