Edda Tandi Lwoga biography
Edda Tandi Lwoga is the Deputy Rector (Academic, Research and Consultancy) and an Associate Professor in Information Science at the College of Business Education (CBE) in Tanzania. She is also the Country Focal Point (CFP) of the Digital Access to Research – Technology Bank of the United Nations at the United Republic of Tanzania.
Lwoga teaches and supervises postgraduate students at CBE and facilitates a wide number of workshops and short courses in the field of information science, information systems, information literacy, such as scientific writing, systematic reviews, evidence based-practice etc. She has published widely over 40 peer reviewed journals, six book chapters, and one book. She has presented over 50 research papers in many international and local conferences. She also co-supervises Masters and PhD students at CBE and the University of Dar es salaam in Tanzania.
Lwoga has conducted a wide number of research projects focusing on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for women empowerment, maternal health and HIV information behavior, building stronger ICT infrastructure, utilization of electronic information resources, University research approaches and pedagogy, and strengthening the evidence-based practice among medical doctors in Tanzania with international collaborators in USA, UK, Sweden, Netherlands and South Africa. Her areas of research interests include information systems, knowledge management, open access and open data, ICT for development, ICT and youth and women empowerment, information science, and e-learning.
Lwoga holds a PhD in Information Studies from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal in South Africa, and a Masters in Engineering Management (Industrial and Information Technology).
Ceres 2030 is a partnership between Cornell IP-CALS, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)