Livia Bizikova biography
Livia Bizikova is Director, SDG Knowledge, at IISD with experience in the fields of sustainable development, agriculture and food security, scenario development, participatory planning, and integrated assessment.
She works with diverse stakeholders: decision-makers at various levels; agencies including the United Nations Environment Program, the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank; and countries including Canada, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique, Tajikistan, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Bizikova completed her PhD. at the University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia, and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute for Environment, Resources and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia.
Ceres 2030 is a partnership between Cornell IP-CALS, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)