What People Say
“Ceres2030 being launched today with the support of the German development ministry and our foundation is a great step in the right direction. It uses its answers in machine learning and other powerful tools to build a database of knowledge on effective interventions for smallholder farmers.
Nothing on this scale has ever been done because we lacked the tools to analyse this complex information. But with the new research, solid evidence will drive better policy making. The researchers found strong evidence to justify these new investments in areas like extension services, sustainable livestock productivity and agricultural research and development.”
Bill Gates, Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
“This initiative aligns with Canada’s commitment to an evidence-based approach to international assistance policy and
programming.”Karina Gould, Canada Minister of International Development
“New research has just come out that shows that if we double aid then we can remove 500 million people from hunger, double the incomes of 545 million small-scale producers, and keep greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture below the targets in the Paris climate agreement.”
Gilbert Houngbo, President of IFAD
“This is the first time that I am reading a report that was very clear on what we need to do to achieve the goals in SDG 2.”
Agnes Kalibata, UN Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit
“According to the recent Ceres2030 report, we could end global hunger by 2030 with an extra annual investment of $33 billion, a small fraction of the world’s COVID mitigation investment.”
World Food Prize Laureates
“Heartfelt congratulations on the publication – very well done. These are powerful messages – we’ll help to echo and reinforce them.”
Willem Olthof, Deputy Head of Rural Development, Food Security, and Nutrition at the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
“Excellent presentation. You have turned what seems to be an overwhelming challenge into a mathematical reality that is very reachable – with political will! Thank you.”
Ambassador Alex Bugailiskis, Canadian Ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IFAD, and WFP
We have already made new investment decisions based on the Ceres2030 findings, specifically by increasing our investments in extension services.”
Neil Watkins, Deputy Director, Program Advocacy & Communications, Agriculture & Nutrition, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
“Congratulations for a great presentation and great work! Your effort will pay back and will help this process of achieving SDG2.”
Maximo Torero, Chief Economist, FAO
“We are currently in the process of developing our strategy for 2022 and beyond and in this process we are asking our implementing agencies to review the Ceres2030 findings and to inform the new strategy based on these findings.”
Martin Hoppe, Head of Division, Food Security and Nutrition, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development