Donor update August 18 2018

Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download Ceres 2030 is a partnership between Cornell IP-CALS,  the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the  International Institute of Sustainable Development...

CFS side event presentation

Download Ceres 2030 is a partnership between Cornell IP-CALS,  the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the  International Institute of Sustainable Development...

Le lancement de Ceres2030

Sous embargo: 16 octobre, 2018; 12:01 GMT Coordonnées pour les médias: Carin Smaller:  Un projet de données innovant pour soutenir les petits exploitants agricoles et éliminer la faim 16 octobre 2018 (Rome) —Comment les donateurs...

Ceres2030 Launch (Eng)

Embargoed: October 16, 2018; 12:01 am GMT Media contact: Carin Smaller: Groundbreaking data project to support smallholder farmers and end hunger Ceres2030 will help donors prioritize investments by evaluating agricultural interventions...